Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: To consider the effect of laying geosynthetic materials in the footplate on the geometry of the rail track. Methods: The paper uses methods for evaluating the geometry of the rail track by track measuring cars. For the extracurricular high speed line St. Petersburg — Moscow and for the heavy-duty line Moscow — Smolensk — Minsk, the parameters of the rail track geometry were evaluated for sections with geosynthetic materials and control sections laid in the construction of the base. The summative indicator of the geometry state was the indicator of the reduced amount of deviations (PSO). Results: In the first year or two after repair, regardless of the presence of geosynthetic material, the stabilization of the track is proceeding at the same pace and by the third year of operation, the level of PSO is on average 4.9 pcs/km. Further, the standard design shows an increase in PSO, and by the 6th year reaches a value of 6.9 pcs/km, and then decreases, which is explained by the average repair during this period. For the rail track with geosynthetic material, the level of PSO is steadily decreasing and by the 7th — 10th year reaches a value of 3.45 pcs/km. After the fourth year of operation, the average score for sections reinforced with geomaterials is no more than 85% of the average score for sections of the track without reinforcement. Practical significance: Stabilization of the track base with geosynthetic materials makes it possible to achieve uniformity of precipitation in the longitudinal axis of the path, which naturally will not lead to a significant distortion of the longitudinal profile and of course will reduce the cost of the current maintenance of the rail track by reducing the number of track realigning by about half.

Sleeper bearing, stabilization, geosynthetic materials, track meters, amount of deviations
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