Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: To consider the need for rational choice of the values of automatic control system (ACS) parameters by speed of long freight train locomotive under the condition of ACS management necessary quality provision. Choosing method to solve the task of ACS parametric synthesis and control quality indicators. Finding rational, from view of accepted system of management quality assessment, ACS parameters for trains of various mass and length. Methods: Methods of mathematical and simulation modeling, electric traction theory, automatic control theory, multi-criteria optimization. Results: At parametric synthesis task solution for considered by ACS speed, it’s been indicated that the task’s parameters depend on train length and its mass. Analytical dependences, establishing functional connection between train car mass and ACS parameters by speed, have been found. Practical significance: The obtained dependences can be realized in the form of adapter as a part of automatic control system, allowing to embody operative setting of ACS parameters in dependence of train car average mass.

Train dynamics, long freight train, optimization methods, multi-criteria optimization, parametric synthesis, quality indicators, speed controller, automatic speed control system
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