Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: To analyze and compare the requirements of State Standards of Russia, countries of Europe and North America to assessment of dynamic qualities of freight cars, their impact on railway track. Methods: Review and analysis of requirements of various countries to conditions to pursue testing of freight cars on dynamic qualities and their impact on a track, requirements to indicator permissible values made it possible to form the most representative calculated cases for simulation of railway crew motion along various construction tracks (straight, curve sections) and to pursue the study of freight car dynamics with the help of computer simulation modelling in program complex "Universal Mechanism". Results: The comparison of various country’s requirements to the assessment of freight car dynamic behavior is made. Using computer simulation methods, oscillograms of various indicators (forces, accelerations, coefficients) for universal gondola car, installed on bogies of 18-100 model, at its motion along various construction tracks were obtained. The advantages and flaws of used approaches to assess dynamic qualities, indicators of crew impact on various country’s track are shown. Practical significance: The work obtained results can be used to improve the system of railway crew dynamic behavior assessment and its impact on a track with the purpose to improve the safety of freight car motion in Russia.

Freight car, gondola car, car motion simulation, dynamic qualities, impact on track, wheel derailment resistance
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