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Abstract (English):
Purpose: The article discusses conceptually new approaches to resist using cryptocurrencies and electronic payment means in unfair practices. As a result, it was found that all of them are aimed at revealing suspicious transactions and deanonymized individuals involved in illegal activities. The conclusion is substantiated that information and analytical systems constitute promising special tools for effective control of cryptocurrency market and blockchain networks. The research theoretical basis comprises scientific publications of the experts specialized in the issues of involvement, blockchain technology, distributed registries and cryptocurrencies at the investigation of crimes as well as foreign software tools, applied in the field of blockchain networks security. Methods: In the research, the author relies on deduction, generalization, synthesis and system analysis methods. Results: Determination of the capabilities of foreign and domestic software special tools in the field of virtual wallet providers and exchange operators (such as “crypto-currency brokers’ board”, etc.). Practical significance: The mechanism of functioning of special software tools for deanonymization of transactions in order to resist the use of cryptocurrencies and payment electronic means in unfair practices is presented.

Digital financial assets, cryptocurrency, electronic payment means, unfair practices, blockchain networks, deanonymization, special tools, informational and analytical systems, machine learning
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