Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: To consider the effect of the duration of the element of waiting time for the execution of operations to change the locomotive and locomotive crew for transit trains without processing arriving at the technical station on the required number of receiving tracks. In the simulation model, a comparison of the basic variant and variants taking into account the introduction of the above factors is carried out. The main purpose of the simulation experiments is to find the required number of receiving routes in transit parks of technical stations with different variations of the initial data. By means of the model, the following main indicators are determined, on the basis of which the obtained options are compared: the number of missed trains; loading of the receiving tracks (%); the duration of the occupation of the tracks per day under various operations. Methods: The use of the basic principles and methods of simulation modeling to assess the impact of simulated factors on the required number of receiving paths. Results: The results obtained indicate the adequacy of the proposed simulation model for assessing the influence of internal factors on the required number of receiving and forwarding paths, which is confirmed by the results obtained. Practical significance: The results obtained can be used in the development of recommendations for the adjustment of existing design standards.

Railway station, track development, simulation model, receiving tracks
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