Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Objective: Currently, the concept of a business model is not limited only to the ways on how to generate profit or to attract customers. Business model should take into account the needs and ultimate goals of consumers, should create a goal for customers and for an organization itself. Transport organization and transport service on transportation belong to the category of service traditional types while one of success constituents will be the being of a viable development strategy and corresponding to it business model, that’s subject to its regular updating, therefore, the formation of methods contributing to the development of transport organizations in the conditions of transport service conception transformation. Thus, the purpose of this article is to develop methodology for the formation of business models of a transport organization in the context of transport service concept transformation. The tasks are set to identify the features of business model formation in dependence of the types of activity as well as to develop methodological provisions for the formation of transport organization business model in the context of transport service concept transformation. Methods: Research methodology represents analysis and systematization of theoretical studies covering as theoretical ways of building business model as well as complex methodological foundations on business model development in terms of industry specifics as well as in view of digitalization process development in transport field. Results: The study results were the rationale for strategic orientation priority for transport organization development in the context of transport service concept transformation, the assessment of methodological approaches to business model development with indicating their application possibility for a transport organization; the systematization of methods for the assessment of transport organization activities as well as the development of transport organization business model with underlining its elements. Practical significance: Based on the study, methodological provisions were developed for business model formation for transport organizations in the context of transport service concept transformation.

Business model, business model of transport organization, transport service, digitalization
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