Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: To develop methodology for determining the actual resistance of traction electric drive (TED) circuits of a locomotive with electric power transmission and with refined calculation of voltage losses of a collector-brush apparatus according to microprocessor control system data. These data are necessary for calculating actual traction characteristics of a locomotive as well as its braking characteristics in electric braking modes. Methods: Methods of electric machine theory, statistical processing and regression analysis of experimental data were used. Results: Based on the statistical analysis of registration data of on-board diagnostics subsystem of 20 sections of 2TE116U and TEP70BS diesel locomotives, methods for determining resistance factual value for traction electric drive circuit as well as methods of refined calculation for voltage losses in a collector-brush apparatus are proposed and justified. The hypothesis on distribution normal law for the value of resistance and the possibility to use its mathematical expectation as an estimated value is confirmed. The limits of resistance possible changes for TED circuits of diesel locomotives 2TE116U and TEP70BS have been established. Practical significance: The results obtained allow us to clarify energy loss amounts in a locomotive traction drive when calculating its traction and braking characteristics. Data on the limits, allowed in exploitation, of active resistance change for TED serviceable chains may be used for operative diagnostics of locomotive power circuit.

Traction drive circuit chain, electric losses in traction drives, traction drive efficiency, traction drive
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