Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: To develop an automated algorithm using simulation modeling tools that allows calculating actual capacity of railway line with mixed traffic. Analytical formulas underlie the algorithm. Results: The algorithm features the use of simulation modeling tools and taking into account of the same name coefficient. The application of the given software product will allow to raise the efficiency and accuracy of actual capacity calculation accuracy. The data, obtained during the simulation, were compared to the data in the timetable, their discrepancy was revealed which basis on, simulation modeling value, integrated into existing formulas, was found. Based on all calculations, software algorithm has been developed with its subsequent implementation in Maple software environment in order to automate calculations and increase their efficiency. Methods: Simulation modeling and analytical comparison method were used. Practical significance: Improving the accuracy of calculations of the values of available capacity on the network of JSC "Russian Railways" and simplifying the implementation of such calculations. This algorithm, if implemented, would bring the calculated values closer to the real ones.

Railway polygon, analytical formulas, simulation model, software package, comparison of results, program code
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