Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: Creation of mathematical apparatus for calculating clutch curve in designing of anti-skid and anti-slippage devices. It is necessary to obtain formula suitable for calculating the dependence of clutch coefficient from absolute and relative slippage speeds of wheelsets along rails and from electric rolling stock (ERS) speed. Methods: Result analysis of trials for various ERS types according to data from open sources and to clutch characteristics obtained as a result of these trials with the use of mathematical statistics methods. Results: as a result of the work, it has been managed to represent the dependence for calculating clutch coefficient in the form of two function “joining”. Practical significance lies in the possibility to use the work results at designing anti-skid/anti-slippage device UPZ-M.

Electric rolling stock, clutch force, sliding of wheelsets, skid, slippage, anti-skid/anti-slippage device
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