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Abstract (English):
Purpose: To pursue the analysis of hybrid and combined frame possible usage for overlaps of buildings and structures for civil and industrial purposes, including on transport, to expand beam structure nomenclature, to develop innovative structural solution of hybrid beam with material low consumption but with frame increased reliability and durability. Methods: Analysis of the advantages of known hybrid frames, of materials, used for their projection; metal composite beam calculation using existing engineering techniques in accordance with STO 38276489.003-2017 “Strengthening of steel structures with composite materials. Projection and techniques of work production” and numerical calculation methods involving calculation software programs. Results: New workouts for beams with the use of steel concrete and composite materials for projected and strengthened structures are presented. Innovative frame of metal composite beam has been developed — steel beam strengthened with external reinforcement system of composite material, protected by a useful model patent, its static and structural calculation has been performed using SCAD computing complex; stress-strain state has been analyzed, the analysis of steel consumption reduction for a metal composite beam and of its other advantages in comparison with steel and reinforced concrete beam traditional solutions has been carried out. Practical significance: The advantages of hybrid and combined structures are revealed, the decrease in material capacity for a metal composite beam strengthened by boroplastics in comparison with a steel one is revealed. The proposed structural solution of a beam can be used in overlaps and coverings for buildings and structures, transport buildings, especially, in aggressive environment conditions as well as during major repairs and reconstruction of industrial and civil purpose facilities.

Building, frame, hybrid structure, overlap beam, metal composite beam, numerical calculation, reliability, durability
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