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Abstract (English):
Purpose: The given article is devoted to energy consumption problematics. The article relevance is especially high for our country steppe regions where high speed winds prevail most of the year that have a significant impact on fuel and energy resource (FER) consumption increase in train traction. This question is open and no analysis methods have been developed. Also, in locomotive depots, there is no clear energy expenditure normalization for train traction under exposure to additional drag to movement. Wind burden impacting train cars is one of the essential factors affecting energy consumption in a traction. Methods: The article shows high significance of this problem for Russian Railways (“Russian Railways” JSC). The article analyzes main factors, affecting fuel and power consumption, and major methods of normalization for FER. For the consideration, Pallasovka — Verkhniy Baskunchak section of Privolzhskaya railway in the traction with 2TE25KM series diesel locomotive was chosen. Histograms of specific fuel consumption for trains with fixed minimal and maximal axle loads were built and analyzed on the basis of samples from the given foot-plateman routes. Results: Conclusions on the effect of wind loads on specific fuel consumption were made basing on the numerical characteristics of the obtained samples. Contributions of wind loads to a significant increase in a specific fuel consumption have been proved in the article. Moreover, wind burden impact is higher for empty trains. Practical significance: The need to clarify fuel consumption norm is shown. The norm adjustment will allow to improve definition and record accuracy for energy resource expenditures at their normalizing in locomotive depots. The proposed adjustments can be recommended for a practical use on the considered section.

EFR, energy saving, energy efficiency, fuel specific consumption, wind burdens
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