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Abstract (English):
Features for error detection by Berger codes in digits of both, informational or control vectors, that’s vital at their usage for built-in control scheme synthesis by Boolean complement method, are analyzed. Meanwhile, an accent was made on the analysis of probabilistic characteristics of error detection in Berger code words and on the experimental investigations of possibilities of error identification versus these errors’ kinds and multiplicities. The assessment of indicator for error non-detection in Berger code words talks about that even in the case when distortion absence probability in a one digit is of less than p = 0.9, error detection Pm common value in the circuits, synthesized with Boolean complement method, of built-in control on Berger code basis exceeds indicator of 0.98. But as for real devices, the given value of distortion absence in a one digit is much higher. The experimental results also show that errors in control devices are revealed in built-in control schemes, which’re organized by Boolean complement method, rather well: for all the circuits, non-detected error share on devices’ outputs constitutes less than 7% and, approximately for their half, – less than 2%. This also talks about high efficiency of Berger code application at built-in control scheme synthesis with Boolean complement method.

built-in control scheme synthesis, Boolean complement method, Berger code, distortions in informational and control vectors, error detection, non-detected error probability
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