Russian Federation
Purpose: Analysis, classification of a variety of mechanisms in OAM (Operations, Administration and Management) methodology, development of an algorithmic model of the proposed classification taking into account the features of managing telecommunication network, which functions with Carrier Ethernet technology, that will allow to improve software-technology complex of subsystems and axrise the efficiency of telecommunication network management. Methods: System/control theory provisions, simulation modeling and algorithmic structure design methods. Results: Classification of a variety of OAM mechanisms has been obtained which will enable adequately upon goals and tasks of telecommunication network management the inclusion of unique processes and mechanisms of OAM methodology into the control/management of devices of telecommunication network, based on Carrier Ethernet technology; comprehensive algorithm of OAM processes for managing Carrier Ethernet network devices has been developed that will allow to hold simulation modeling and evaluation of individual subprocesses and entire algorithm functioning. Practical significance: Expansion of the list of processes implemented in OAM telecommunication networks, that’re based on Carrier Ethernet technology, will allow achieving the required level of management efficiency as well as conducting a number of studies, in particular, simulation modeling of control systems with inclusion into a model of being controlled object, functioning in accordance with standardized OAM mechanisms. Possibility to obtain results in AnyLogic simulation modeling environment will allow to use them as an independent program for remote setting at technological level, accordingly telecommunication network management systems, of network devices.
Ethernet, Carrier Ethernet, carrier-class Ethernet, OAM, OAM mechanisms and standards
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