Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: Development and approbation of the methodology of definition of energy expenses on excitation of traction generator of diesel locomotive on the stage of locomotive traction characteristic prediction. While definition of diesel power spent on traction generator excitation during prediction of traction-energy characteristics of diesel locomotive it’s necessary to consider current technical state of an exciter and traction synchronous generator. This task can be solved as a result of statistical analysis of information being registered by subsystem of board diagnostics of contemporary diesel locomotives. Methods: It’s used in the work the methods of preprocessor handling of information volume and statistical analysis of formed sampling. Results: There have been obtained the dependences allowing to predict with high precision the expenses of power for traction generator excitation in various work modes of diesel locomotive on the basis of preliminary analysis of data of board diagnostics subsystem. The necessity of such analysis is preconditioned by large scatter of parameters of magnetic system of traction synchronous generators and, hence, power values spent on their excitation which reaches 100% for generators 2TE116U at 40 kW power. Practical significance: The obtained results help to rise definition accuracy of traction-energy properties for particular locomotive.

energy effectiveness, excitation of traction generator, energy expenses on generator excitation, auxiliary loads
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