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Abstract (English):
Purpose: To study modern approaches for management of privy railcar park. At the moment, the lack of cars on loading stations is observed while their common surplus. This can be overcome by agreed supply of empty cars at set time interval. For to satisfy clients’ needs in complex service it’s proposed to apply new informational products and services. The application of ERP-systems (Enterprise Resource Planning) will allow to rise the efficiency of interaction between operator companies and JCS RZD. Methods: Application of method of digital solutions while car flow management, design of digital systems of transportation process management. Results: In the investigation, the methodology is proposed of optimal distribution of car park by loading stations on railway network JSC RZD. Practical importance: Deficit and surplus elimination for car park in operator company management, reduction of exploitational burden on JSC RZD infrastructure. Effective usage of new informational products will allow to use effectively the privy rolling stock.

operator companies, rail car park, management digital systems, car flow management
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