Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Objective: Analysis of existing methods for finding optimal modes of driving electric locomotives on the Pap — Kokand — Andijan section, which is part of the Uzbek Railways landfill, in order to minimize the electrical energy used for traction, taking into account such restrictions as the travel time on the stretch, the maximum permissible driving speeds, available traction power, etc. Methods: The method of selecting the train motion curve provides for three approaches to solving the problem and takes into account two tasks for solving the equation of train motion. Results: Compared with the data obtained from the service of the “Locomotive Operation Management” of Uzbek Railways, the results show that energy efficiency ranges from 4 to 30 %. The resulting maintenance regime is qualitatively different from the regime maps currently used on the Pap-Kokand-Andijan section for energy-optimal train management. Practical importance: The described calculation method using three approaches to solving the task makes it possible to simplify significantly and speed up traction calculations, ensure high accuracy of the results and present them in a convenient and visual form.

optimization, train schedule, train motion resistance, braking, energy efficiency
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