Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: Experimental assessment of the effect of transient processes in a propulsion on the operational efficiency of a shunting diesel locomotive based on locomotive parameter monitoring during exploitation. Methods: As initial data for the analysis, the results are used of continuous monitoring of the values of the parameters of propulsion of TEM18 locomotive, equipped with an electronic control system for fuel supply ESUFT.01-06-03, an automatic control system for electric transmission of USTA locomotive and a remote data control system ASK, under heavy shunting. Evaluation of transient process influence was fulfilled by means of comparison of fuel real consumption on controller 4–6 positions with standard calculated consumption at the same working modes of locomotive propulsion at the absence of transient processes. Results: As a result of the statistical analysis of metric information, it is shown that, in contradiction to, existing in environment of locomotive industry specialist, stable notion on transient process essential influence in shunting locomotive propulsion on exploitation fuel consumption and on fuel accounting necessity during rationing, transient processes in diesel generator propulsion PDG1M of TEM2(18) diesel locomotive, equipped with the modern tools of control for diesel and electric transmission, do not affect operational fuel consumption and may not be taken into account when rationing fuel for shunting. The decision on the necessity and way of accounting additional fuel consumption in transient processes when rationing the consumption for shunting operation should be made for each series of shunting locomotive based on the results of monitoring the parameters of locomotive propulsion in exploitation. Practical importance: Article results allow to raise the accuracy of traction calculations and reliability of rationing fuel consumption for shunting job.

diesel locomotive, fuel consumption, specific fuel consumption, transient operation modes, electronic injection control system, automatic control system for electric transmission of diesel locomotive, diesel engine, traction generator
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