Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: The research of the matters of planning of planned-preventive setup of a rail way and the analysis of rail track geometry condition before and after the pursing of the setup basing on data of track measuring car passage have shown that existing criteria of the assignment of track planned-preventive setup do not consider exploitation conditions and their reconsideration is demanded. Methods: Statistical methods were used in research pursuing on the matters of planning and evaluation of railway track condition after work fulfillment on planned-preventive setup. Data sampling and analysis of statistical observations have allowed to distinguish applied approaches in the planning of track planned-preventive setup for various exploitation conditions. Grouped in dynamics rows furbished kilometers were evaluated according to the indicators: second degree retreat presence, rail track geometry state estimation before and after repairs and by the end of repairs year. Results: The discrepancies with established criteria were identified at planning on including of kilometers into address plan of track planed-preventive setup, the data on work accomplishment quality and rail way state changes during the first year after repairs were obtained. Practical importance: Research results confirm the necessity to reconsider the criteria for track planed-preventive setup assignment with the distinguishing there separately the main and additional criteria in dependence of exploitation conditions. It’s necessary to pursue railway track inspection in accordance with normative document requirements of federal level and JSC RZD.

track repairs, work planning on a way, inter-repairs scheme, work inspection after track repairs, assignment criteria, planned-preventive setup, evaluation by points, track condition evaluation
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