Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: to review the statistics of the electric power industry in the current period of time, identify current threats, propose a tool to reduce the negative impact of the threats presented, characterize existing methods of assessing economic security in the investment process, propose an author's method of assessing the economic security of an electric power organization. Methods: methods of analysis and synthesis, economic and statistical approaches, computational and constructive methods, expert assessments. Results: the lack of financing of investment projects in the electric power industry has been identified, which, under the conditions of sanctions pressure from Western countries, is a key threat to the economic security of the organization. The problematic areas that set the vector for investment are highlighted. The existing approaches to investment assessment are evaluated, the impossibility of their application to form an adequate investment assessment for electric power companies is revealed. The author's method of assessing the economic security of an organization is proposed, which includes an assessment of the effectiveness of an investment project calculated using the method of real options, taking into account the amount of damage prevented. Practical importance: the necessity of searching for new methods of assessing economic security, taking into account the specifics of the activity and functioning of an electric power company, is shown

economic security, investment efficiency, real options method, threats to the electric power industry, prevented damage
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