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Abstract (English):
Purpose: to conduct an analysis aimed at identifying the shortcomings of the existing calculation methodology for catenary overhead catenaries of electrified railways under extreme temperature conditions. To demonstrate the need to implement modern calculation methods based on mathematical modeling using computer-aided design tools. Methods: development of a FEM model using the ANSYS Workbench software package, which allows determining the tension of the overhead catenary supporting cable taking into account heating from the flowing current under heavy-haul traffic conditions. Comparison of calculation results using the existing methodology and the developed FEM model. Results: the analysis showed that the current approach does not take into account important physical factors, which can lead to potential errors both in the design and operation of the overhead catenary. The results of the electrothermal-mechanical calculation using the developed FEM model reveal inconsistencies in determining the heating temperature and tension of the overhead catenary supporting cable, which indicates the need to revise the key parameters used in the existing calculation methodology. Practical significance: the difference in the calculation results shows the importance of implementing modern methods for determining the parameters required for design and operation and confirms the relevance of the study, especially in the conditions of organizing heavy-haul train traffic. The FEM models used in the study have a wide calculation functionality and the ability to specify various boundary conditions, such as ambient air temperature, current applied to the contact network wires, and wire tension. These models can be effectively used in design and scientific activities by specialists in various fields.

contact network, contact suspension, carrier cable, maximum temperature mode, wire heating temperature, traction power supply systems
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