Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The issues of automation of the processes of collection, storage, transmission, analytical processing of information in the interests of improving the quality of management decisions in the railway management system, as well as the introduction of artificial intelligence systems in relation to the management bodies of Russian Railways are considered. Purpose: formalization of regulatory approaches for the implementation of artificial intelligence systems. Methods: harmonization, system analysis, simplex planning. Results: in the course of the research, approaches to the regulation of regulatory and legal measures have been identified that allow the development and improvement of NTDs based on unified approaches. Practical significance: the definition of approaches to the regulation of regulatory and legal measures will allow specialists involved in system design, development, implementation, operation of AI systems, developers of standards, as well as specialists of regulatory authorities, to improve the regulatory framework based on unified approaches, and developers of AI technologies will allow them to form new requirements for software and hardware being developed.
artificial intelligence, knowledge base, management system, decision maker, decision support
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2. GOST R 59277-2020. Sistemy iskusstvennogo intellekta. Klassifikaciya sistem iskusstvennogo intellekta. M.: Standartinform, 2021.
3. GOST R 59278-2020. Informacionnaya podderzhka zhiznennogo cikla izdeliy. Interaktivnye elektronnye tehnicheskie rukovodstva s primeneniem tehnologiy iskusstvennogo intellekta i dopolnennoy real'nosti. Obschie svedeniya. M.: Standartinform, 2021.
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8. GOST R 59385-2021. Informacionnye tehnologii. Iskusstvennyy intellekt. Situacionnaya videoanalitika. Terminy i opredeleniya. M.: Standartinform, 2022.
9. GOST R 59391-2021. Sredstva monitoringa povedeniya i prognozirovaniya namereniy lyudey. Apparatno-programmnye sredstva s primeneniem tehnologiy iskusstvennogo intellekta dlya kolesnyh transportnyh sredstv. Klassifikaciya, naznachenie, sostav i harakteristiki sredstv foto- i videofiksacii. M.: Standartinform, 2021.
10. GOST R ISO 9001-2001. Sistemy menedzhmenta kachestva. Trebovaniya.