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Abstract (English):
Purpose: the purpose of this paper is to develop software that is able to visualise the operation of an IP telephone network under cyberattacks using the mathematical model proposed in the research paper. The software should provide an in-depth analysis of the impact of attacks on network performance, as well as provide results in an easy to interpret graphical form. Methods: mathematical analysis and counting analysis methods were used to achieve the objectives. The basic mathematical models include equations to calculate impact distribution, restoration time and other network parameters. The programme applies numerical integration and differentiation to calculate the service time distribution. The distribution models include exponential, impulse and gamma distributions. Poisson, Weibull and Pareto distributions were used as distribution functions for random data flow parameters. Results: the software is able to simulate different cyberattack scenarios and their impact on key network metrics, analysing characteristics such as delivery time, packet loss probability and network resilience. The results of the analysis show how different types of impacts and recovery parameters affect network performance, allowing the operator to evaluate the effectiveness of different protection and damage techniques. Practical innovativeness: the results obtained in the course of technological modelling can be used to improve the stability and reliability of telecommunication systems, especially those operating on Supertel equipment. The software provides operators with a tool to analyse network conditions, develop preventive measures and optimise post-impact recovery strategies. It can also be integrated into a decision support system and used to identify cases of unauthorised access.

cyberattack, IP-network, mathematical modelling, distribution functions, counting integration of network resilience, Supertel equipment
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