Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The purpose: to find a rational way to build an underwater tunnel in the dense urban development conditions, with the channel width of about 200 m, in unrelated silty soils, that will ensure the minimum depth of the tunnel without additional and expensive measures to strengthen the surrounding soil massive. The article considers the construction of road intersections at different levels, the construction of which has recently increased significantly due to the increase in the volume of highway construction as part of the urban transport network expansion. Methods: the article analyzes the existing methods of constructing urban underwater tunnels in weak soils, and reveals that none of them is rational under these conditions. A promising section of the Pregol River in Kaliningrad was chosen as the site of the study, the construction of a tunnel in this section will ensure not only an increase in the capacity of the highway, but also the passage of cargo flows. Practical significance: a technology has been developed for the phased construction of the subsurface part of underwater tunnels by pushing sections under the bottom of a watercourse without preliminary excavation, which has no analogues in the national tunneling industry.
underwater urban tunnel, weak silty soils, pushing, immersed sections, operating element
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