Russian Federation
Purpose: to analyze the possible use of composite materials to strengthen stone structures of walls and pillars, to investigate the possible reduction of material consumption and labor intensity of innovative reinforcement options while increasing reliability and durability. Methods: analysis of the advantages of hybrid structures used for their design of materials, calculation of design options using existing engineering techniques and using calculation programs. Results: traditional structural solutions for strengthening stone structures do not always have sufficient reliability and durability. The disadvantages of the known solutions are the increased material consumption of the reinforcement structure due to excessive consumption of concrete, steel, excessive increase in cross-section, as well as insufficient operational reliability of the reinforcement structure associated with corrosion wear of steel elements. A number of effective hybrid structures using composite materials have been developed at the Department of „Building Structures, Buildings and Structures“ of PSUPS. The construction of the reinforcement of the wall, protected by a patent for the invention, is proposed. The reinforcement design includes reinforcement elements installed and fixed in the reinforced structure with the ability to work together with it. The reinforcement elements are made in the form of rows of composite rods mounted on a polymer solution in the transverse seams of the brickwork and forming reinforced layers along the height of the reinforced structure. The reinforcement elements in the upper part of the reinforced structure are made of carbon fiber fabric glued to the surface of the brick wall along the entire contour. A constructive calculation of reinforcement options was performed, an analysis was made of reducing the weight of the structure, material consumption, labor intensity and other advantages of an innovative solution in comparison with traditional reinforcement structures of stone structures. Practical significance: the advantages of composite materials in strengthening stone structures are revealed. The innovative reinforcement design has a lower weight of 2,5–4 times, while reducing the cost by 10–30 % compared to traditional designs and increasing durability. The proposed design solution can be rationally applied when reinforcing brick walls and pillars with an overload of up to 60–80%, and reinforcement can also be used to strengthen sections of walls damaged by sedimentary cracks.
reinforcement, stone structures, walls, pillars, composite materials, polymers, carbon fiber, bearing capacity, durability
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