Russian Federation
to consider factors not taken into account by the concrete quality control system that influence the physical and mechanical characteristics of concrete, directly related to the level of reliability of building structures, primarily the influence of concrete hardening conditions. Determine the possibility of ensuring the level of reliability assumed during the design, provided that all current requirements are met; calculate the degree of correlation between the strength of concrete and the level of reliability and probability of failure; justify the need to update a number of approaches and principles laid down in the current regulatory documentation for concrete quality control, and also propose measures to ensure that the actual level of reliability corresponds to the design level. Methods: analysis of the structure and requirements of current regulatory documentation in the field of quality control of concrete in general and compressive strength in particular; production, testing of standard concrete cube samples for compression and processing of results in accordance with GOST 10180, GOST 18105. Results: the need to change the concrete quality control system towards taking into account factors influencing the actual strength of concrete in a structure due to its high correlation with the level of reliability and probability of failure is indicated. Correction factors have been calculated for concrete with and without additives, taking into account hardening conditions, namely: hardening at temperatures above 30℃, at negative temperatures using anti-freeze additives or with heat/ electric heating. The need has been identified to create a system of influence correction factors: hardening conditions coefficient, sampling coefficient, stability coefficient, method accuracy coefficient. Practical importance: the use of the proposed correction factor for the influence of environmental conditions will ensure the actual strength of concrete in the structure required to ensure the design value of the level of reliability of construction projects
concrete, compressive strength, concrete class, reliability, safety factor, safety factor, strength variation coefficient, probability of failure
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