Russian Federation
to identify the evaluation criteria and the main ways to improve the efficiency of urban wastewater treatment technology. To present the necessary mandatory minimum stages of wastewater treatment, ensuring the protection of surface water bodies from pollutants. To substantiate the choice of technological schemes of urban sewage treatment plants of different capacities in accordance with the current regulations. Methods: a comprehensive analysis and systematisation of existing legal norms in the field of domestic wastewater treatment and the impact of treated water discharge on the ecological condition of surface water bodies. Comparison and analysis of the impact of individual facilities on the operation of the technological chain of the municipal sewage plant was carried out. Results: modern criteria for assessing the performance of municipal sewage plants, which are one of the main direct polluters of the environment according to modern legal norms, are considered. Four interconnected, sequential and obligatory stages of domestic wastewater treatment, which should be applied at plants of any capacity, are presented. The relationship between obtaining a comprehensive environmental permit and establishing, justifying an environmental performance improvement programme for an urban sewage treatment plant and their impact on improving the efficiency and reliability of the treatment plant is shown. Specific devices and facilities modernisation and/or reconstruction of which allows to reach modern standards of sewage treatment quality most effectively and step by step. Practical significance: the results clearly show the prevailing trends of modern legislation in assessing the effectiveness of urban wastewater treatment technologies. The proposed ways to improve the efficiency of treatment at urban sewage treatment plants using the best available technologies allow to prevent the negative impact of discharged treated wastewater on the environment. The presented technological schemes of urban wastewater treatment plants allow achieving concentrations of pollutants in treated wastewater that meet modern requirements.
urban wastewater, treatment methods, best available technologies, integrated environmental permit, environmental efficiency programme
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