Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: consideration of the causes of internal ice formation in hydraulic vibration dampers and its effect on the performance of railway rolling stock. The article provides an overview of the mechanism of internal ice formation in hydraulic dampers, indicates methods for detecting this phenomenon, as well as negative factors caused by it, and considers methods of control. Methods: analysis of the mechanism of internal ice formation, analysis of methods for eliminating or minimizing the influence of internal ice formation on the reliability of hydraulic vibration dampers. Results: the main reason for the formation of internal ice formation is the incoming air flow with snow during the movement of rolling stock, which causes the accumulation of ice mass in the inner region of the hydraulic damper. Internal ice formation can lead to mechanical damage to the trolleys of rolling stock due to a decrease in the damping ability of hydraulic dampers or blocking of spring suspension. Damage to the rubber seals and cuffs of the dampers is also possible. The methods of detecting this phenomenon are considered. An improved probe for detecting internal ice formation is proposed. The technical proposals aimed at eliminating the described phenomenon are analyzed. Examples of designs of hydraulic vibration dampers using the described technical proposals are given. The classification of ways to combat internal ice formation is given. Practical significance: the necessity of improving hydraulic vibration dampers in order to minimize or eliminate the influence of internal ice formation is shown. The method of diagnosing internal ice formation is shown. An improved probe design has been demonstrated to detect this phenomenon. Various methods and methods have been demonstrated to minimize the impact or eliminate internal ice formation. The classification of methods for combating internal ice formation is given.

spring suspension, rolling stock, hydraulic damper, hydro damper, hydraulic damper, internal ice formation, protective casing
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