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Abstract (English):
Purpose: analysis of the energy efficiency of electric braking, consideration of braking modes implemented by high-speed rolling stock, analysis of electric braking. Methods: an integrated approach to the problem of energy efficiency of braking modes of high-speed rolling stock is used, focused on the practical significance and economic feasibility of the results. Results: the efficiency of electric braking of highspeed rolling stock is designated, the use of electric braking in the operation of high-speed rolling stock is assessed, types of electric braking are considered, the energy efficiency of regenerative braking in the operation of a high-speed train is analyzed, the coefficient of return of electrical energy is considered. Practical significance: this article will allow to revise the existing assessment of energy consumption of high-speed trains, will allow to assess the efficiency of using regenerative braking in a single system of high-speed train movement.

energy consumption, energy efficiency, energy efficiency assessment, electric braking, regenerative braking, energy recovery during regeneration, high-speed train, high-speed train
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