from 01.01.2012 to 01.01.2022
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Purpose: the article proposes an approach to integrated planning in supply chains of the instrument-making industry, aimed at improving the efficiency of coordination between their main participants. Methods: the study used methods of system analysis, statistical analysis and expert assessments, which made it possible to evaluate current approaches to planning and propose an approach to integrated planning based on modern digital technologies used in the performance of the planning function. To obtain the results of the study, official statistical data on the productivity and economic indicators of the instrument-making industry, data on logistics operations and supply chains of various enterprises in the industry were used. Results: the main scientific result is the approach to the development of integrated planning in supply chains developed by the author. The study also provided practical recommendations on the use of management methods at different stages of the formation of an integrated planning system. Practical significance: the practical significance of the study lies in the possibility of applying the proposed recommendations at enterprises of the instrument-making industry to improve the efficiency of supply chain management. The implementation of the developed methods will allow enterprises to adapt to dynamic market conditions, reduce costs and improve coordination of the actions of private logistics chain participants. The results of the study can be used to develop and improve planning systems in organizations in the instrument-making industry.
four-axle gondola car, universal gondola car, increased load capacity, high-strength steels, evaluation of strength and stiffness of the gondola car body structure, gondola frame structure buckling analysis
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