Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: to make an analytical review of the existing literature and systematization by purpose in various eras of existence for tower structures, as well as to highlight the achievements of mankind in the development of steel lattice towers used as supports for radio-electronic equipment over the past 130 years. Methods: the method of analytical review of the evolution of tower structures from the initial stages of the development of society was used with a description of the vectors of development and expediency of the construction of these structures, followed by the conclusion of modern trends, especially aimed at the development of steel tower structures used for the support of radio equipment. Results: various review and analytical studies have been analyzed, which allow us to draw conclusions about the use of structures in the past and identify the global vector of development of tower structures in various cultures; a comprehensive assessment, analysis and formalization of information presented in the form of a concise overview was carried out, in addition, a comprehensive analysis of the development of steel lattice towers in domestic science of the USSR period was carried out, and modern trends in the development of steel lattice towers were reflected. The result of this work is a generalization of world and national research aimed at accumulating knowledge about the origin and vectors of future trends in the development of tower structures. Practical significance: the accumulation and analysis of existing knowledge about the history of the development of tower structures and their purpose in human economic and household activities in various epochs has been carried out. A systematic series of modern trends in the development of steel tower structures used as supports for radio-technical equipment is presented in order to determine the direction of future research.

antenna-mast structures, steel lattice towers, the history of tower structures, the evolution of tower structures, tower structures
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