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Abstract (English):
Purpose: to investigate the effect of different test methods on the shear properties of geomaterials and to determine the test method that provides the most consistent shear strength results. Demonstrate the need to include shear test methods for geosynthetic materials in state standards. Determination of interaction properties of geosynthetic composite “KAPLAM” with soil. Methods: a 300×375 mm shear machine was used to perform shear tests at the soil-geomaterial interface with normal loads ranging from 100 to 500 kPa. These tests were performed according to the American standard ASTM D5321. Results: the relationships obtained from the tests allow the identification of the test methodology that produces the most significant shear strength results and an understanding of the fundamental mechanisms underlying the observed shear strength. The need for further investigation of this methodology on other geosynthetics is identified. Practical relevance: overall, these results have important implications for the design of railway embankment slopes, ISDS lining systems and shear strength testing. The tests provide better modelling of field conditions and a more accurate representation of the shear strength of composite materials.

Shear, geocomposite, coefficient of friction, tangential stress, normal stress, deformation
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