Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: analysis of the costs of energy consumption by enterprises of JSC Russian Railways by type of fuel, identification of the most costly type of energy. Systematization of factors influencing energy consumption. Characteristics of climatic factors affecting energy consumption. The task was set to assess the possibility of using ASKUE data to improve the system for analyzing and planning energy consumption in non-transportation activities of JSC Russian Railways. Analysis of climatic factors affecting electricity consumption by enterprises in non-transportation activities of JSC Russian Railways. Determine the maximum time interval for analyzing energy consumption data. Methods: collecting information on electricity consumption and changes in climate characteristics. The main research method is the method of correlation analysis, which allows us to identify the most important factors influencing electricity consumption. Based on the correlation coefficient, a correlation matrix will be compiled using the Statistica software package. Results: climatic factors have been identified that have the greatest impact on the energy consumption of the enterprise in non-transportation activities of JSC Russian Railways. The maximum enlarged interval for analyzing energy consumption data has been clarified. Practical significance: climatic factors have been proposed, the characteristics of which must be relied upon when planning electricity consumption at non-transportation enterprises of JSC Russian Railways. These factors can be used in the further development of a model for planning energy consumption. The maximum enlarged interval for analyzing influencing factors has also been identified, allowing to obtain accurate results. The possibility of using hourly ASCAE data to assess and identify climatic factors affecting electricity consumption by non-transportation enterprises has been proven.

energy efficiency, energy consumption, electricity, climatic factors, railway transport enterprises, non-transportation activities
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