Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: to identify the influence of the geometric parameters of wheel sets and rail track on the smoothness of the ride and the level of passenger comfort for an automated diagnostic system. Methods: statistical methods were used to conduct the research. Sampling and analysis of statistical observation data made it possible to identify existing approaches to assessing the levels of interaction of the wheel-rail system at different speeds. The track sections grouped into rows along pickets were assessed in terms of passenger ride comfort and equivalent conicity. Materials used in the public domain and official websites, as well as research by the authors. Results: a list of factors influencing the conditions of interaction between highspeed rolling stock and the railway track has been identified. Data were obtained for indicators of ride comfort and equivalent conicity for the St. Petersburg — Moscow line along pickets at actual realizable speeds. Practical importance: the possibility of using remote measurement diagnostics to determine the geometric parameters of wheelsets and rails and the geometric parameters of the rail track has been determined. Suggestions for improving the qualitative assessment of the interaction of the wheel-rail system are recommended.

comfort level, discomfort, passenger ride comfort, equivalent conicity, acceleration, wheel-rail interaction, wheelset, rail profile, diagnostic system
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