Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Purpose: due to the significant disadvantages of the most commonly implemented fuel supply methods in gas engines, the goal was set to develop a new method of fuel supply. The advantages and disadvantages of existing methods of fuel supply in gas engines, such as central, distributed and direct supply, fuel supply through a dual-fuel nozzle, are considered. Methods: on the basis of distributed and direct fuel supply, a combined method was developed, which is a combination of these types of fuel supply. Results: this method of fuel supply compensates for the disadvantages of distributed supply (reduction of cylinder filling, accumulation of fuel-air mixture in the intake system and fuel losses at valve closures) and direct (poor-quality mixing in low and full load modes). In different engine operating modes, these types of fuel injection are used in different combinations, which is why the advantages of distributed and direct fuel injection are summed up. In areas of low loads, distributed injection is carried out, or a combination of distributed and direct injection. At medium loads, only direct injection is possible. At full load, it is possible to inject fuel from two injectors in one cycle. An improvement of the distributed feed as part of the combined one is proposed in order to eliminate fuel a ccumulation in the intake manifold. This effect is achieved through the use of an electronically controlled gearbox, which allows fuel to be supplied with different pressure values to create a directional movement of the gas jet, which also improves mixing. Practical importance: the proposed method of supplying natural gas ensures the optimal composition of the fuel-air mixture in all operating modes, increasing the filling ratio, eliminating fuel losses on valve closures.
gas engine, natural gas, fuel supply, filling ratio, mixing quality, environmental friendliness of engines
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