Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Objective: perform a comparative analysis of the features of existing theories for calculating cold-formed steel thin-walled profiles, consider the need to develop a calculation methodology and justify the criteria for the applicability of cold-formed steel thin-walled profiles in the main structures of bridge structures, justify the feasibility of using structures from thin-walled cold-formed profiles in relation to bridge construction in order to reduce metal consumption and increase economic efficiency. Methods: a comparison of existing theories for calculating cold-formed steel thin-walled profiles at the moment, a review of the existing practice of application and technical and economic indicators of thin-walled profiles in the field of industria and civil construction. Results: a comparative analysis of the features, advantages and disadvantages of individual theories for calculating cold-formed steel thin-walled profiles has been carried out, criteria for choosing a calculation theory depending on the nature of their work have been established. Some technical and economic indicators of similar structures made of cold-formed steel thin-walled profiles in the structures of buildings for industrial, civil, agricultural and other purposes are presented. The analysis showed that these structures have lower metal consumption compared to conventional steel structures. Practical importance: the need to develop a methodology for calculating structures made of cold-formed steel thin-walled profiles in relation to bridge construction is identified. This technique has practical significance for the implementation of thin-walled profiles in the main structures of bridges. A number of factors are given that may be decisive in favor of choosing cold-formed steel thin-walled profiles as part of the load-bearing structures of the main beams of bridges with an appropriate feasibility study in certain conditions, taking into account their features, advantages and disadvantages.

cold-formed thin-walled steel profile, LGSF, Vlasov theory, theory of supercritical load-bearing capacity, buckling, bimoment, local stability, pedestrian bridge
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