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Abstract (English):
Purpose: consideration of the issue of the use of hydraulic vibration dampers in spring suspension of various types of railway rolling stock. The article provides an overview of the layout of hydraulic vibration dampers in the spring suspension of rolling stock, their advantages and disadvantages are given Methods: review and analysis of spring suspension designs of various types of traction and non-traction rolling stock in operation, as well as patented designs. Analysis of the arrangement schemes of hydraulic vibration dampers in the spring suspension of rolling stock. Results: the main reason for the use of hydraulic dampers in spring suspension is the inability of cylindrical springs to minimize the influence of oscillatory movements of rolling stock that occur during its movement. The necessity of using hydraulic vibration dampers in structures of various types of rolling stock is substantiated. The arrangement schemes of hydraulic vibration dampers are considered. Examples of the use of hydraulic dampers in spring suspension of various types of rolling stock are given. Practical significance: the necessity of using hydraulic vibration dampers is shown not only in the structures of the undercarriage of passenger cars and locomotives, but also in the spring suspension of freight cars. The use of hydraulic vibration dampers makes it possible to minimize the negative impact of oscillatory movements on both the structure of the rolling stock and the health of passengers and locomotive crews, as well as to increase the comfort of their stay. The use of hydraulic dampers in the spring suspension of freight rolling stock can increase the speed of its movement by improving the running qualities of freight cars and the degree of safety of transported goods.

ctric locomotive,kolling stock, locomotive, ele diesel locomotive, passenger car, fitting platform, spring susp ension, oscillating motion, hydraulic damper
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