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Abstract (English):
Purpose: the fight for ecology in the transport sector is ensured by improving the design of vehicles and engines, the working processes of internal combustion engines, as well as the use of alternative fuels. To determine the rational use of biofuels in vehicles, it is necessary to assess the environmental effect that will be achieved when using them. Methods: the existing methods of estimating exhaust gas emissions from motor vehicles are considered. Based on them, improvements have been made, which include the introduction of additional coefficients that take into account changes in the environmental load depending on the percentage of biofuels mixed with traditional hydrocarbon fuels. Results: the calculation of the environmental effect from the use of biofuels was carried out using the example of adding biodiesel to petroleum diesel fuel, for which, based on statistical data from the US Environmental Protection Agency and data, WE established dependences of changes in annual emissions of harmful substances and carbon dioxide for a heavy-duty cargo vehicle. In addition to the calculation, the article presents graphs of emissions of harmful substances, taking into account their relative aggressiveness and the amount of carbon dioxide released during the combustion of biodiesel mixtures. Practical significance: The proposed method for calculating the environmental effect makes it possible to estimate the volume of emissions of harmful substances and carbon dioxide depending on the concentration of biofuels mixed with traditional fuels. Such an approach can provide an overall picture of the effect of using biodiesel, and at the same time, the coefficients used need to be clarified.

biofuels, biodiesel, mixed fuels, ecology, the use of alternative fuels, calculation methods
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