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Abstract (English):
Objective: research and justification of the prospects for processing waste rock from coal mines of the Lugansk People’s Republic with its further use in the construction industry. Methods: sampling of the dump rock was carried out, followed by laboratory resear ch: Al2O3 content (up to 22 %) and total sulfur (up to 4 %) in rock samples of varying degrees of metamorphism, indicators of its plasticity and radiation characteristics (up to 220 Bk/kg). Results: the issues of processing rock dumps from coal mines of the Lugansk People’s Republic as raw materials for the production of building materials are considered. A brief analysis of the currently existing methods for obtaining various building materials from waste rocks has been carried out. The laboratory data obtained, after studies of samples of waste rock from a number of mines, prove the possibility of using coal waste in civil, industrial and road construction. Practical importance: the research and detailed analysis of various indicators and properties of coal mining waste in the Lugansk People’s Republic, including specific effective activity and evaporation coefficient, make it possible to use waste rock as raw material in the construction industry in the production of materials for industrial, civil and road construction.

dump rock, coal mine dumps, raw materials, waste, processing, disposal, construction materials
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