Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: to trace the contribution of scientists and staff of the departments of “Buildings”, “Architecture and industrial Aesthetics” to the development of transport and urban infrastructure of the Baikal-Amur mainline. Materials and methods: archival documents have been reviewed. A system analysis was performed and the chronological sequence of infrastructure projects was determined. Results: on the basis of archival data, settlements and railway stations were attributed, where the developments of the department’s staff were used for the first time, and infrastructure facilities were built by the university’s construction crews. For the first time, photographic materials of individual projects and production processes have been published. A retrospective look at the formation and development of BAM is presented. The time check of the operational characteristics of the erected buildings, laid down as a result of scientific and design developments of the departments of “Buildings”, “Architecture and industrial aesthetics” is analyzed. The practical significance of the article is in preserving memory and communication between generations. The materials of personal origin collected by the author’s team make it possible to expand the boundaries of research related to the study of historical memory of the late Soviet period and reconstruct a number of events when describing local identities of personalities in the context of architectural and construction activities of the staf f of the PSUPS.

Baikal-Amur mainline, transport infrastructure, buildings, railway stations, construction teams
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