Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Objective: current system of organizing material and technical supply (MTS) in the Russian Railways Holding evaluation, determining the place and role of the regional supply department (RSD) in it, and identifying the most significant aspects of its activities. Methods: methods of comparative analysis of industry methodological documents and regulations for the functioning of both the entire MTS system and its individual departments, methods for calculating coefficients assessing the condition and use of the RSD fuel tank farm, statistical analysis and data processing, were used to achieve the goal of the study. Materials from scientific works on the chosen topic and periodicals were used to carry out the research. Results: highlighted the distinctive features of the MTS system in railway transport, that are expressed in a management and financing system high degree of centralization, in a number of financial and organizational restrictions of the regional material and technical supply department activities, reducing its functions in the procurement and delivery processes to operational control. The state and efficiency of using the fuel resource storage system in the department are evaluated, some proposals are made for its modernization. Practical significance: based on the calculations and comparative analysis of the results obtained, the advantages of modernizing the existing storage system for fuel and energy resources using modular storage technologies in directions with insignificant and changing cargo flows are substantiated. Those proposals can be used to improve the efficiency of the system for providing fuel resources to railway transport organizations.

inventory management, material and technical supply, inventory items, fuel depot, fuel tank farm, container fueling stations
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