Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Objective: investigation of the aerodynamic interaction of the airflow and the pantograph, taking into account the uneven distribution of pressure on the side edges of the fairings. Methods: the research was conducted based on a theoretical approach that defines the methods of air mass mechanics using mathematical modeling on a computer with the use of software products that include tools for calculating hydrodynamics based on the method of CFD analysis in the Flow Simulation module of the SolidWorks software. Results: a solid-state model of the current collector with integrated air deflectors has been developed, which takes into account the interaction complex in the system “moving structure — deflector — current collector — nodes and elements of the contact suspension” in the context of aerodynamic resistance influence. Practical importance: an innovative system has been developed to optimize the aerodynamic characteristics of the current collector during its motion in the air environment, an air deflector that contributes to reducing the negative impact of aerodynamic resistance, reducing the turbulence of air masses and improving the efficiency of current collection.
contact network, current collector, current collector fairings, analysis of aerodynamic interaction from the speed of movement, interaction of the current collector with the contact network
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