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Abstract (English):
Petri nets are a promising methodology for modeling various systems and processes, especially business processes, in particular, document fl ow of technical documentation.The article considers a new methodology for modeling the processes of electronic document management, taking into account the quality of technical documentation using the methodology of temporary Petri nets with deterministic delays in trig-gering transitions. The description of the simplifi ed model of electronic document circulation of technical documentation for devices of railway automation and tele-mechanics based on the apparatus of Petri nets is given. Using the developed sim-plifi ed DCTD model, a method for assessing the quality of technical documentation based on the time parameters of the DCTD process is proposed. The possibility of using the obtained Petri net model as an alternative for performing the verifi cation and validation procedures for the EDDD simulation model is shown.

requirements to models and methods of electronic document circulation of technical documentation, classical Petri nets, deterministic temporary Petri nets, quality of technical documentation, marking, positions, transitions, ribs, developments, conditions, input and output functions
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