Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article describes experiments that allowed to analysis defects of railway point machine with AC engine using shifting power graph. These defects are tran-sient resistance on engine power phase, leakage current between power phases, maladjustment of switch electric drive’s friction clutch, pollution of switch shoe, switchblade’s self-movement and high pressing force at locking moment. Differ-ent graphs specifi c to these defects are drawn. Defects’ graphs are analyzed and are compared to right graphs. Average diagnostic criterions for every defect of railway point machine with AC engine are picked out basing on the analysis and are calculated. Calculation formulas of diagnostic criterions are written. Diagnostic criterions calculation allowed to formulate diagnostic model’s requirements and to develop diagnostic model based on combined method of multi-criterions evalua-tion and neural network’s theory. Neural nets with direct propagation topology are good for diagnostic of railway point machine with AC engine.

technical diagnostics, diagnostic information analysis, neural network, technical state, fault detection
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