Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article describes the changes of normative documents applicable in the fi eld of reliability and safety of railway automation and remote control. The purpose of this analysis is to determine the completeness of the regulatory and methodologi-cal framework to ensure and determine the reliability and safety requirements es-tablished in various types of normative documents. Currently, the basic documents on the territory of the Customs Union of the countries of the Eurasian economic Union are technical regulations, undergoing signifi cant changes to date, which are noted in this article. As a result of the analysis, the main existing standards governing the requirements for reliability and safety as in the fi eld of technics, so in the more narrow - the fi eld of railway equipment are identifi ed and listed. As a result of detailed consideration the existing quantitative norms of reliability and safety imposed to the technical equipment of railway automation and remote control, fi xed in various regulatory documents, are revealed.

normative documents, types of standards, railway application standards, techni-cal regulation of the Customs Union, reliability and safety indicators of railway automatics and remote control, failure rate, SIL
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