Russian University of Transport (MIIT) ("Automation, Remote Control and Communication on Railway Transport" Department, Professor)
«Scientific Research and Design Institute «Transport and Construction Safety» LLC (General Director Deputy on Scientific Research Work)
Tashkent State Transport University ("Automation and Remote Control" Department, Professor)
Russian Federation
«The theory of building safe operation systems» Olympiad in the course of academic disciplines is held annually at the chair of «Automation and telemecha- nics on railroads» in order to promote transportation science and boost students’ motivation in the sphere of educational activities. The third Olympiad has already been held this year gathering 74 students of «Automation and intelligent technologies» faculty at Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University. The note presents the outcome of the event in question.
railway automatics and telemechanics, theory of discrete devices, fundamentals of technical diagnostics, Olympiad, students
1. Kafedra «Avtomatika i telemehanika na zheleznyh dorogah» Peterburgskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta putey soobscheniya v XX - nachale XXI v. / Val. V. Sapozhnikov, M. N. Vasilenko, P. E. Bulavskiy, A. B. Nikitin, A. A. Lykov, O. A. Nasedkin, V. V. Nesterov, V. B. Sokolov, M. B. Sokolov ; pod red. Val. V. Sapozhnikova, Vl. V. Sapozhnikova. - SPb. : Peterburgskiy gos. un-t putey soobscheniya, 2009. - 346 s.
2. Trudy po teorii sinteza i diagnoza konechnyh avtomatov i releynyh ustroystv / Pod red. Val. V. Sapozhnikova, Vl. V. Sapozhnikova. - SPb. : Elmor, 2009. - 900 s.
3. Efanov D. V. Nauchno-prakticheskiy seminar «Avtomatika i diskretnaya matematika» / D. V. Efanov, V. V. Dmitriev // Sbornik trudov nauchno-prakticheskoy konferencii «Problemy bezopasnosti i nadezhnosti mikroprocessornyh kompleksov» ; pod red. Val. V. Sapozhnikova. - SPb. : FGBOU VPO PGUPS, 2015. - S. 180-186.
4. Nikitin A. B. Razvitie nauchnoy shkoly kafedry «Avtomatika i telemehanika na zheleznyh dorogah» Peterburgskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta putey soobscheniya Imperatora Aleksandra I / A. B. Nikitin // Avtomatika na trans- porte. - 2015. - T. 1. - № 4. - S. 433-451.