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Abstract (English):
The article describes the principles of collecting statistical data about failures and repairs of control systems of vehicles, providing the ability to characterize their reliability during operation. The mathematical model of functioning of control sys- tems in the process of their operation. Collecting statistical data about failures is complicated by the fact that complex systems work in the change mode of failed elements. In this mode of operation is proposed to record not only the time between failures, but also to consider the possibility of replacement in the past, this failed element. At the same time to fill card bounce is not enough to indicate the type of failures, their reason and date. It is necessary in every case of failure to analyze the entire log of the operation of this device. In the reliability analysis requires that a mathematical model of the functioning of the equipment during its operation con- sistent with the actual operation of the facility. Mathematical model in accordance with the theory of reliability are based on the assumption that the known times between failures of each element of a complex system subject to continuous their work. Then you can determine any measure of reliability.

the data model, reliability, facility, equipment, failure, principles, Assembly, char- acteristics, operation
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