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Abstract (English):
The influence of pulsed electromagnetic fields on parasite antennas is considered, the latter is formed by inter-bay and intra-bay wirings of electronicapparatus of railway automatics. Pulsed electromagnetic fi elds may have naturalor anthropogenic origin. Intentional interference pulses are among those of anthropogenic origin. The issue of protection from such pulses is of vital importance. Such an impact, in case of suffi cient voltage-time area of an interference pulse, may cause false operations of a microcircuit and functional safety violation of equipment. It is shown, that the differentiation of the original electromagnetic fi eld momentum occurs in analyzed channels of interference penetration. If such pulse has a clear-cut peak, than a packet with two pulses is formed in line load. Calculation methods for a voltage-time area of pulses in a packet, as well as the determination of the probability density function distribution law of the value in question are established in the article. It is shown, that a voltage-time area of one pulse in a packet is defi ned by a pulse height of the original electromagnetic fi eld momentum multiplied by a constant coeffi cient. The coeffi cient in question characterizes electrical and geometrical parameters of interconnection wiring. It is essential to be aware of the density of probability distribution as interference pulses characteristics are probabilistic observations. It was observed, how the results of formation of load interference pulses analysis allow one to avoid errors when providing electromagnetic compatibility of train control systems

electromagnetic compatibility, inter-bay wiring, load interference pulse, electromagnetic field momentum, voltage-time area, impulse signal differentiation, probability density function
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