Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The given study suggests applying an integral performance index of railway automation and remote control (RARC) systems’ maintenance for quality assessment of the latter, based on risk assessment, which may be caused by eventual failures of these systems. Integral performance index value is a combination of basic and complementary parameters’ assessment. The basic quality parameter of RARC systems’ maintenance within the distance of signals and interlocking production activity is estimated on the basis of ALARP model (meaning «as low as reasonably practicable» - «The risk is as low as it is reasonably practicable») and URRAN strategy (Resources, risks management at all stages of systems and equipment life cycle on the basis of reliability analysis), by means of comparing true values of reliability indices of RARC systems’ functioning with regulations. Moreover, the infl uence of RARC systems’ maintenance quality on a current level of risk is considered, related to reliability of RARC system’s functioning, taking into account the rate and specialization of a railway. In order to estimate the infl uence of RARC system’s functioning reliability on a transit process, a risk matrix is applied, in which the level of implications’ scale is expressed in terms of train outage hours’ loss, which represent resultant delays of all trains caused by RARC system’s failure. On the basis of the method, introduced in the given study, the assessment of different structural units of JSC «Russian Railways» automatics and telemechanics, as a constituent part of an integrated system of branch resources management, may be carried out.

systems of automation and remote control, signalling and interlocking distance, reliability, risk matrix, train outage hours, operating ratio, maintenance and repair
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