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Abstract (English):
The number of information systems in the department of automation and remote control is growing every year. There are software solutions that allow one to conduct all the basic processes associated with automation and remote control devices, from design to operation of systems. But the methodology for constructing these systems does not take into account the requirements for data exchange between them. As a solution to integration issues, the industry format of technical documentation for automation and remote control devices was developed. The article considers the concept of creating and basic concepts of the industry format of technical documentation for signaling, interlocking and blocking devices, and the main task of this format is a means of integrating data from various information systems of the industry. The differences and common features of the industry format of technical documentation for signaling, interlocking and blocking devices and the railML® format developed in Europe are noted. The concepts of creating each of the formats of the railway industry are described and compared in different aspects. A brief history of creating a domestic industry format for technical documentation is given, its purpose and characteristics, as well as the goals and history of creating the railML® format are indicated.

computer-aided design systems, electronic format of technical documentation, industry format of technical documentation
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