Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses the main aspects of the use of solar energy as a source of railway automation and remote control power. The analysis of the current regulatory framework on the matter. Describes the benefits of autonomous feeding installations. A special group assigned the basic requirements for power systems and redundant power supplies automation and remote control equipment. Performed economic calculations independent power supply automation system on the basis of statistical of data from the coefficient insolation territory of the Moscow region during the last 20 years. A brief summary of the main problems that may arise during commissioning, maintenance and use of photovoltaic panels on the rail network «Russian Railways Roads». Particular attention is paid to future prospects for of the widespread introduction of solar installations in respect for powering interlocking and blocking devices.

power control devices, solar energy, photovoltaic modules, solar power system, photoelectric effect, insolation coefficient, calculation of the energy supply system, redundant power supply, energy strategy «Russian Railways»
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